Seasonal Eucharists & Liturgies

Utilising A Prayer Book for Australia, Common Worship, and Uniting in Worship

  A ministry offering seasonal liturgies and resources with an Anglican flavour, that supports ministers and their churches.

Eucharists in Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

Eucharists in Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Resources to Help with Singing the Exsultet!

There are a number of versions of the Exsultet that are available for use, The Anglican Church of Australia (in the Easter Vigil .pdf from the Liturgical Commission) states the following:

"Versions of the Exsultet The version of the Exsultet used in the text is based on that in the Book of Common Prayer (ECUSA). Other versions / translations of this text abound and may be substituted for the above: see, for example, the Church of England's book Lent, Holy Week, Easter, the Book of Alternative Services (Canada), or the Roman Missal.
There are a number of musical settings from the traditional plainsong to simple modern versions. By long tradition, the deacon sings the Exsultet. However, a priest may do so, or a lay cantor. What is important is that whoever sings this text should be able to do so very well. If there is no member of the community able to do this, then it should be said rather than sung. A better alternative might be for the entire community to sing the following metrical version.

Sing choirs of heaven! Let saints and angels sing!
Around God's throne exult in harmony!
Now Jesus Christ is risen from the grave!
Salute your king in glorious symphony! 

Sing choirs of earth! Behold your light has come!
The glory of the Lord shines radiantly!
Lift up your hearts, for Christ has conquered death!
The night is past; the day of light is here! 

Sing Church of God! Exalt with joy outpoured!
The gospel trumpets tell of victory won!
Your Saviour lives: he's with you evermore!
Let all God's people shout the loud Amen! (Tune: Woodlands AHB 109 or TiS 161) "

Exsultet Sheet Music and Recordings

If there is a deacon or other person able to sing the Exsultet, you may find the Church of England Exsultet materials helpful, however another very strong option is the Exsultet as presented in the Vatican II Hymnal (full credit to Corpus Christi Watershed). Below you can find a .pdf of the music (to the higher pitch setting) as well as .mp3 recordings of a higher pitch and lower pitch. This option may be particularly preferable as the recordings are very helpful for practicing both for pitch and delivery.

Click Here to download ASH WEDNESDAY Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes!

Based on material from the Anglican Church of Australia and the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.

Eucharists Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Ordinary Time and Kingdom-tide

Other Occasions (All Saints, Harvest Festival, Remembrance, and the Hippolytus Eucharistic Prayer)

Links to Further Liturgical Resources